The text is based on the discussions made by Margaret Hairstyle 1981, seeking to review conceptual, methodological and philosophical aiming to situate what position geomorphology within the geographical science.
Hairstyle back some discussions regarding the dichotomy created between the natural and the social, physical geography and human geography. It is noteworthy that the most representative geographers do not label themselves in human geographers or physical geographers. Therefore, this dichotomy tends to be overcome from the increasing knowledge gained about both, individually with the social sciences, geology, history and even geography itself.
Place overtaken as the binomial Man-Environment only as synonymous with nature, yet it is believed that not when it comes to the environment as a complex physical relationships, natural, biological and social. Now the environment such complex relationships alone with this dichotomy is already outdated.
Following discussions stands reactions between relief and society. The emphasis is placed under climatic influences, including discussions on the surface characteristics, disregarding the influence of subsurface features.
As the action of man on the environment, according to the text, "depends on your level of social organization, cultural differences, the degree of technological development and economic vitality." But forget the strengths and weaknesses of a particular space which can influence the varying needs of a people.
The Brazilian geographical reality resembles, according to the text, according to the other countries of the intertropical zones. Where we highlight weaknesses tropical herdadadas discussions of colonial roots. Environmental deterioration in these areas stems from several factors, but mainly the lack of environmental awareness and education qualified. In geography and environmental analyzes environmental problems in the country. Placing the components of the space as uniform throughout the world, differing only by their combinations. Highlights the role of the geographer is to study the relationships that form the different regions of the Earth. Thus the geographer should act as an intermediary between the physical and social sciences.
The relationship between geography and geomorphology, according to the text is analyzed according to surface processes, however there was no inclusion of any active subsurface. In the discussion between environment and geomorphology has placed the environment divided into two components: Natural or potential, however there is nothing on environmental fragilities because you do not have the same technological level reached by all to be dealing only with recourse or potential.
We talk about development from generation technology specific to each natural and social environment, but not said clearly on how to achieve this development.
Comments that the prism anthropocentric relief is always a natural resource. Highlights the geomorfólogo should be a professional in order to apply their knowledge in practical problems to earn their livelihood. Thus geomorphological maps should always be prepared directly applicable to problems. In that aspect plays an important role geographer subsidizing other professionals such as architects, engineers, economists, biologists and physicists. A practical example of this is the accident-related nuclear plants in Japan was ignored problems that may arise if we do not take into account the geomorphology in its broad context, taking into account the variables surface (soil, vegetation, hydrography, topography and climate ) and subsurface variables (geology and plate tectonics). These variables can not be analyzed only in parts, but as a whole in a systemic way. In Angra was completely ignored the issue geomorphological social context, because the plants were installed between hills and close to a large population concentration. Well if there is a possible massive landslide near these hills, or some other type of accident the number of people in vulnerable situations is enormous. Moreover, we can not ignore that Brazil does not have all the resources that Japan has
Therefore gaining an insight geomorphological studies and environmental problems from a systemic approach realizes that environmental problems in Brazil are mainly related to lack education and environmental awareness, political and economic interests, and lack of putting environmental issues as a priority for preservation of life. In this sense the geographer should receive more recognition and have greater participation in interdisciplinary discussions. It is a professional qualified to diagnose and prognosticate about natural and social aspects of space in an integrated manner with the aid of geomorphology in the social context. Discussions about ecology, environmental education and sustainable development often become barren for lack of this professional in such discussions. The appreciation and participation geographer can assist in environmental safety and success of a venture.